Wedding Branding: How to Go About it?
Every couple dreams of a wedding that reflects their unique love story. That’s why wedding branding has emerged as an essential element in the planning process. Couples want to weave their personalities, values, and narratives into their special day to make it their own.
But how do you go about wedding branding in the first place?
This article will explore the important steps you need to take to design a celebration that’s not only visually stunning but also deeply meaningful.
Key Steps to Effective Wedding Branding
Here are the four key steps you should follow to ensure one of the most important events of your life aligns with your idea of how love should be celebrated:
1. Brainstorm a Theme
This is the first step to wedding branding. Your theme, after all, will determine all your other wedding elements—from the venue to the flowers and attire. The theme is your overarching wedding concept that will guide every aesthetic decision you and your partner make.
You can start by coming up with a list of keywords for which you want your wedding ceremony to be known. For this, you and your partner can ask yourselves the following:
- Do you want you (or your chosen wedding business) to plan an event that celebrates tradition or one that’s forward-looking and modern?
- What are some interests and hobbies you’d like to weave into the event?
- Are there aspects of your personality you’d like to highlight during the celebration?
You can come up with more questions as you see fit. Then combine all your answers together to create a phrase that will serve as your overarching wedding theme. For instance, for the questions above, here’s a potential wedding theme: A wedding that’s modern, weaves basketball and tennis elements, and highlights the groom’s loud personality and the bride’s calm demeanor. You can use a rewording tool to help you come up with the phrase that best encapsulates how you want your special event to be.
2. Select Color, Font, and Logo to Match the Chosen Theme
Now that your overarching wedding theme is clear, you and your partner can start defining the key aesthetic elements of your event. These are the colors, fonts, and logos you’ll use.
Let’s take our sample wedding theme above: A wedding that’s modern, weaves tennis elements, and highlights the groom’s loud personality and the bride’s calm demeanor.
Based on that theme, here’s a breakdown of the specific aesthetic elements we can use:
- Colors: Screaming blue symbolizes the groom’s loud personality, and white represents the bride’s calm demeanor
- Font: Comic Sans font that embodies modernity
- Logo: Initials of the couple in Comic Sans font and in pink combined inside a circle that resembles a tennis ball
As you define your key aesthetic elements, make sure you don’t leave out any component of your wedding theme. In the breakdown above, notice that all the keywords used to create our wedding theme phrase can be seen—modernity, tennis, loud personality, calm demeanor.
3. Define the Visual Appearance of Wedding Elements
Once you’ve broken down your wedding colors, fonts, and logo based on your theme, create another list that shows which specific wedding elements will carry what.
Here’s a sample list based on our example above:
- Wedding chair seat covers: Odd numbers should be in white; Even numbers should be in blue
- Tablecloths: Odd numbers should be in blue; Even numbers should be in white
- Flower decor: Blue and white roses combined
- Wedding dress: White
- Groom’s suit: Blue
- Groomsmen’s suits: White
- Bridesmaid dresses: Blue
When creating this list, make sure you don’t just consider the wedding elements you and your guests will see during the actual wedding day. Consider others who won’t necessarily be in the wedding venue during the actual ceremony but are just as important.
So, think, too, about how your invitations, gifts, and even your photo album can align with your overall wedding vision. You can specify that your invitations and wedding album will carry your couple’s logo, for example. Or you’ll gift each groomsman with a personalized decanter and each bridesmaid with a bracelet that carries your chosen wedding colors and has the same logo engraving.
Remember, these items shall also form part of your wedding memorabilia. You want you, your significant other, and other people to remember your beautiful wedding when you look at these even years from now.
To help you (or your wedding planner) better visualize each wedding element once defined, use a snipping tool or a screen recorder to capture sample tablecloths, dresses, and seat covers, among others, online. Include these snippets in your list.
4. Implement
At this point, all you (or your chosen wedding planning services company) need to do is implement what you and your partner have decided. The key is to stick to your final list as much as possible.
Resist the temptation of changing things up just because. Why? Well, if you make one change to your final plan, it’s likely you’ll make another, and another, and another. You might end up with a wedding neither you nor your significant other can relate to.
But what if there are issues beyond your control that absolutely require changes to your planning decisions? Let’s say, at the last minute, the nearest flower shop said they ran out of blue roses. Just make tiny adjustments, never overhaul. This will ensure you remain aligned with your overall vision and still have a cohesive wedding overall.
So, in this case, you could just replace the blue roses with blue forget-me-nots. Although the flower type changed, it still carries the color blue you and your partner originally decided on. Replacing the blue roses with sunflowers that don’t mean anything to you or your significant other isn’t the way to go.
To Wrap This Up
Wedding branding is more than just aesthetics; it’s about creating a cohesive experience that encapsulates your love story.
You learned how to go about wedding branding in this article.
Start by brainstorming a wedding theme with your significant other. Based on your overarching theme, define key aesthetic elements such as your color, font, and logo. Then define the visual appearance of your wedding elements based on what you decide. As a final step, just implement your plan to the letter as much as possible.
By thoughtfully considering every detail, you can ensure your dream wedding feels uniquely yours and is an accurate embodiment of your love.