Dodgeball Team Name Ideas
Tired of being stereotyped as “that team” at dodgeball? Look no further! Finding the perfect team name can be a wild and hilarious journey, but I’m here to make it a little easier for you. If you want to put some fun into your games, scare the crap out of your opponents, or do any of those things, you need a great team name.
Today, we’re going to explore over 460 different dodgeball team names. I’ll also provide a few pointers on how you can come up with your own take on a creative team name.
Good Dodgeball Team Names
If you’re looking for an all-around name that sets your dodgeball team apart from your competitors, this list will suffice! Take a look at the different names and see which one speaks to your team’s character the most.
- Aim For The Fat Kid
- Beastie Balls
- Big Cojones
- Candy Crushers
- Dodge
- Dodge Challenger
- Dodge the Smirk
- Dodgezilla
- Dodgy Arms
- Duck Dynasty.
- Girl Scout Dropouts
- Hackensack Bulls
- Heroes of Patches O’ Houlihan
- Hit For Brains
- Hit N Run
- Human Targets
- Hurl and Hide.
- Just Dodge It
- Kamikazes
- Ladybugs
- League of Extraordinary Dodgers
- Lil Giants
- Mean Machine
- Moose Knucklers
- Mowing Machine
- Spaced out Flyballers
- Superheroes In Training
- The Artful Dodgers
- The Ball Dodgers
- The Cool Spot
- The Dino Balls
- The Dodge Father
- The Hypnotizers
- The Mighty Duckers
- The Posse
- The Red Skins
- The Top Dodge
- Ultimate Jager Bombers
🖋️ Everyone has to be on board when choosing a dodgeball team name.
When naming your team, you’re making a statement about who you are and what you stand for, which will affect how the rest of the season goes. Make sure the chosen name is accepted by all members of the team. This method guarantees that the team’s collective character is reflected in the chosen name. When everyone is on the same page, your teammates are more likely to take ownership of the name.
🧭 Uncover fresh ideas: Esports Team Name Ideas
- Bad Intentions
- Ball Scrappers
- Ballarina’s
- Bone Crushin’ Ballerinas
- Breaking Balls
- Can’t Dodge This
- Chuck, Duck, and Dive.
- Curl & Catch
- Dirty Dodgers
- Dodge this.
- Dodgeball Ghost Team
- Dodgeball Kings
- Dragon Ballz
- Drippy Balls
- Expert Duckers
- Fist Of Frustration
- Game of Throws
- Gotham Rogues
- If You Can Dodge A Wrench…
- Killer Shot
- Lumberjacks
- Minimum Wagers
- Much Ado About Balls
- Nightwalkers
- Old Dodgers
- Orange Lemonades
- Scared but Hitless
- Silver Surfers
- Skillz That Killz
- The Body Shots
- The Dodgebulls
- The Dodger Moores
- The Last Draft
- The Nerf Or Nothins
- Tornado Throws
- Ultra Super Chicks
- Underdodges
- Village Idiots
Unique Dodgeball Team Names
Here’s a list of unique and original names the league’s probably never heard of before. Some of these names will make the announcers giggle to themselves as they call your team to the court!
- A Cinderella Story
- Ball Doctors
- Ball of Fame
- Ballstosterone
- B-Bangers
- Beastie Divas
- Blitzkrieg Balls
- Bomb Squad
- Brave Ball-e-rhinos
- Bridalveil Balls
- Bring It On
- Clown Punchers
- Cunny Catchers
- Dip N’ Dive
- Dodge this
- Dodgy Style
- Don’t Stop Ballieving
- Dream Killers
- Duck, Duck, Chuck
- Ducking Dodgers
- Hot Stove Dodger
- Monstars
- Monster Balls
- Mulchers
- Poughkeepsie State Flying Cougar
- Prestige Worldwide
- Rubber Chuckers
- Sandlot Team
- She-Mullets
- Team Top Dodge
- The “A” Team
- The Ball Doctors
- The Dodge Darts
- The Squeeze Play
- Total Meltdown
- Untouchaballs
- White Knights
- Wreaking Wrench
🖋️ Check to make sure your dodgeball team name doesn’t violate league rules.
The name of a team must be approved by the league, and there may be rules about what kind of language or content can be used. Some leagues, for instance, may forbid teams from having names that contain profanity or other offensive terms, while others may forbid names that could be interpreted as being too political or controversial. Penalties, such as fines or expulsion from the league, may be imposed for rule violations.
Before settling on a name, give the official rulebook a quick look-through to see whether or not your name violates sponsor or league policies.
🎨 Stir your creativity with: Softball Team Name Ideas
- 2 Balls 1 Cup
- Abusement Park
- Aiming For The Stars
- Allergic To Losing
- Artful Dodgers
- Average Joe’s
- Balls Cutters
- Ballsagna
- Benchwarmers
- Canniballs
- Clearly so Dodgey
- Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive, & Dodge
- Dodger Ebert
- Dodging the Rice Balls
- Dodgy Birds
- Don’t Stop Ballieving
- Ducking Out of This
- Furious Warriors
- Hard-Mullets
- Hickory High Huskers
- London Knights
- Lost Your Wallet
- Miami Sharks
- One Hit Wonders
- Party Throwers
- Poughkeepsie State Flying Cougars
- Roger the Dodgers
- Saved By The Balls
- Swahili Wonder
- Team Blitzkrieg
- Team Snipe
- The Comeback Kids
- The Jager Bombers
- The Suns
- The Underdodge
- Toon Squad
- Wanted Ballers
- Water Ducks
Clever Dodgeball Team Names
If your dodgeball team has a clever strategy, then you might want to consider foreshadowing it with a clever team name. Remember not to reveal all your secrets!
- A True Underdog Story
- Any Given Sunday
- Ap-throw-dite
- Bad Ballz Bangers
- Ball It Like Beckham
- Ballarina’s
- Ball-Der-Dash
- Balls N Dolls
- Balls N’ Dolls
- Big Test Icicles
- Broadway Balls
- Cannon Shooters
- Can’t Beat This
- Crotch Shots
- Dodger Federer
- Dodging Donuts
- Friend Stalkers
- Globo Gym
- Globo gym Purple Cobras
- Hot Diggy Dodge
- Jolly Dodgers
- Lil’ Donuts
- Love Da Game
- Pacific Vista High Pirates
- Park City Hunters
- Pete’s Scweddy Balls
- Slumdodge Millionaires
- Snap, Crackle, Pop
- The Betrayers
- The Dodgeball Rams
- The Dodgers
- The Dodgesaurs
- The Rubber Husbands
- The Tangerines
- The Testicular Torsions
- Too Hot To Handle
- Village Villans
- Yankee Dodgers
🖋️ Does your team have a backstory?
Including some sort of can help you come up with a more original and memorable team name. A backstory can also help you look for a name that has both appeal and depth. Get the ball rolling by contemplating the history, guiding principles, and ultimate goals of your group. When compared to other groups, what makes yours special? What do you hope fans will take away from your team’s name? The answers to these questions can help you come up with a team name that accurately represents who you are.
🍱 Sample our list of: Walk Team Name Ideas
- All Dodge No Balls
- All Pain, No Gain
- Ball Busters
- Ball of Duty
- Cereal Killers
- Chivas Balls
- Dodgebull
- Don’t Hit Me!
- Dragon Breathe
- Ducks
- Elusive
- Go Team, Go!
- Grizzly Gulch No Soxs
- Hand of Dodge
- Hit Sherlock
- If You Can Dodge A Wrench…
- Janes
- Lucky Ducky
- Meatball & Pasta
- Mother Duckers
- Nelson’s Dodgeyballs
- Nut Shots
- One Direction Shooters
- Pancake Batter
- Power Outage
- Reservoir Dodge
- Rodger The Dodger
- Salad Dodgers
- Snow Makers
- Tampico Stogies
- The Avengers
- The Dodge Caravans
- The Dodgefathers
- The Muffins
- The Muppets
- The Quick Foxes
- The Resistance
- Velocity
Catchy Dodgeball Team Names
Having a team name that rolls off the tongue is every captain’s dream. Think long and hard about how you can come up with a name that people will remember for a long time, whether they want to or don’t.
- A League of Their Own
- Aim for the Fat Guy
- Average Joe’s
- Ball Girls
- Balls of Fury
- Balls of Jericho
- Ballz 2 Men
- Blitz Ball Thugs
- Bubblicious
- Dodge City Dodgeball Dodgers
- Duck Dynasty
- For Love of the Game
- Game Changers
- Gym Class Heroes
- Hard Targets
- In the Dodge house
- It’s The Taking Part That Counts
- Jupiter Dodgers
- Milkshake Cannon
- Mountain Snipers
- New York Knights
- No Hit Sherlock
- Punk Balls
- Raging Shooters
- Rib Breakers
- Seal Team Six
- Slow Reactions
- Suicide Squad
- T-Baggers
- The Ballchinians
- The Dodge Vipers
- The Dodgy Ballers
- The Hippies
- The Yo, MTV Dodgeballs
- Throwbocop
- Top Dodgeball Prospects
- True Underdog Story
- Won’t Move for Cake
🖋️ Can’t think of a name? Our name generators can help!
Who has time to come up with the perfect team name when you need to plan for your next dodgeball match? Instead of spending hours and hours thinking of team names, feel free to use our team name generator or business name generator. Either of these tools should help you get the ball rolling… or they’ll come up with the perfect name for your dodgeball team!
- 2hott4u
- Bad Benchwarmers
- Bad Minions
- Ball Managers
- Ball-E
- Balls Royce
- Bleeding Balls
- Chuck Norris
- Clown Hitters
- Cosmic Players
- Cutie Pies
- Daj Mabal
- Dash And Duck
- Detroit Tigers
- Dodge my balls
- Dodger Moore
- Dodging Punchers
- Dodgy Stomachs
- Don’t Hit Me!
- Electric Balls
- Ginger Balls
- Good Will Dodging
- Hotdodgers
- Life Is For Friends
- My Balls, Your Face
- Not in The Face
- Picked Last!
- Purple Cobras
- Snoop Dodgy Dodge
- The Dynasty of Mighty Duckers
- The Elite Team
- The HumanLeave it to Beaver Targets
- The Sirens
- The Sundancers
- Too Hot to Dodge
- Vicious And Delicious
- Vikings of Arena
- Who Let the Dodge Out?
Funny Dodgeball Team Names
They say that sports are a mind game, and there’s no better way to get your opponents off their game than to make them laugh. Come up with a funny name that makes the announcers, audience, and your opponents fall over with laughter.
- Ace Hurlers
- Ball Blasters
- Ball Blitz Brigade
- Ball Brawlers
- Ball Busters
- Ball Driven
- Ball Lightning Bolts
- Ball of Fury
- Ball Rollers
- Ball Strike Force
- Ballistic Bunch
- Ballistics
- Ballistix
- Batter Up Ballers
- Bounce Backers
- Bouncers
- Bouncing Bombs Squad
- Can’t Touch This
- Daring Darters
- Dizzying Darters
- Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive and Dodge
- Elastic Avengers
- Elastic Enforcers
- Fastballers
- Flying Sparrows
- Grand Slammers
- Hot Shotsz
- Hurlers of Fury
- If You Can Dodge a Wrench, You Can Dodge a Ball
- Muscle Missile Men
- No-hit Wonders
- Pouch Protectors
- Power Pouchers
- Rolling Rocks
- Speedy Spikers
- Spiky Balls
- Strikeout Squad
- Throw Down
- Throwaway Throwing Stars
- Throwback Thrashers
- Throwing Thunderbolts
- Velocity Vixens
- Wall of Throw
🖋️ Think about how serious you are about participating in dodgeball leagues.
Team names can really set the tone for a sport, and while it’s great to have some fun with your teammates when you’re competing at a higher level, you might want to rethink having a name that’s just a little too silly. In more competitive settings and larger leagues, it’s especially important to choose a name that conveys your team’s identity and strengths. If you want to be taken seriously and respected on the court, a funny name might not be the best choice.
📚 Dive deeper: F1 Team Name Ideas
- Allergic To Rubber
- Average Joe
- Ball State University
- Balls Deep
- Ballz To Men
- Best London Dodgers
- Blue Chips
- Brave Balls
- Brewster’s Millions
- Broken Hearts
- Daffy Duckers
- Dead Ducks.
- Dodge Chargers
- Dodge Federer
- Dodge This!
- Dodging Ducks
- Expendaballs
- Hitmen
- Hopscotch Dodgers
- Iron Spartans
- Jaw Breakers
- Las Vegas Police Department
- London Silly Nannies
- Masked Masters
- Peeking Ducks
- Risky Ballness
- Spaced Out
- Team Iceland
- The Apollos
- The Ball Doctors.
- The Big Dippers
- The Chicken Invaders
- The Fireballs
- The First Bloods
- The Sacred Southpaws
- The Short Bus Ballers
- The Undertakers
- Victorious Secret
Girls Dodgeball Team Names
Just because dodgeball revolves around balls doesn’t mean women can’t play. If you and your girlfriends are thinking of joining a dodgeball league, give your team a name that strikes fear into your opponents’ hearts!
- Ball Blasters
- Ball Blitz Brigade
- Ball Busters
- Ballistic Babes
- Ballsy Babes
- Beautiful Bouncers
- Bounce Backers
- Bounce Brigade
- Bounce-tastic Beauties
- Bouncing Beauties
- Bouncing Bombs Squad
- Daring Dames
- Dazzling Dames
- Dynamic Divas
- Elastic Avengers
- Fabulous Flippers
- Feminine Force
- Femme Fatale Flingers
- Femme Fatales
- Femme Fireballs
- Fierce Females
- Fierce Flippers
- Flashy Flingers
- Girly Grenade-ers
- Glamour Girls
- Hot Shotz
- Lady Ballers
- Lady Ballistics
- Lady Hurlers
- Lady Launchers
- Lady Leapers
- Lady Legends
- Lady Lethal Launchers
- Lady Lightning
- Lady Lightning Bolts
- Power Play Pals
- Power Pouchers
- She-Slingers
- Throwing Thunderbolts
🖋️ Make sure the name fits on your jerseys!
I’ll admit that many of these team names are long, but you gotta admit that they’re pretty funny! But the most important thing when choosing a name for your dodgeball team is whether or not you can print it on your shirt. Ideally, the name will fit on a single line, but think about the typography to see whether or not breaking it into multiple lines works, too.
🚀 Explore further: Racing Team Name Ideas
- Aim for the Duckers
- Ball Dodge Heroes
- Balls N’ Dolls
- Balls to the Walls
- Ballsy
- Bally Madison
- Ballzinga
- Cute But Deadly
- Deadly Takedown
- District 2
- Dodging Divas
- Eclipse
- Eliminators
- Fire Balls
- Flyballers
- Flyballers
- Greatest Ball Of All Time
- Jammy Dodgers
- Living Legends
- Living Legends”
- MILF’s
- Niagara Balls
- Ninja Hurlers
- Patches O’ Houlihan’s Heroes
- Practice Match
- She-Ballers
- Sitting Ducks
- Slow Motion
- Slumdodge Millionaires.
- Soul Catchers
- Taking More Pain
- Team Win
- The Elite Dodge Club
- The Mini-Mes
- The Underdodges
- Thunderballs Of Justice
- Weekend Warriors
- West High Knights
- Who Gives a Duck
Give your new dodgeball team name a try and take on the competition!
Having a unique and creative team name can help build team morale and foster a sense of unity among team members. It can also make your team stand out on the court and be remembered long after the game is over. So, don’t be afraid to get creative and have fun with it!
If you liked what you read in this guide, make sure your dodgeball buddies like it, too, by sharing it with them. Also, drop a comment and let everyone know what your chosen dodgeball team name is!